No More Fear

No More Fear

A widow named Winnie had many problems with the people who lived across the river. They would trespass on her land, kill her cattle, and bang on her door and roof at night. The ongoing attacks gripped Winnie with such fear that there were times she was even afraid to attend her Bible listening group.

One afternoon, several of the Bible study leaders went to Winnie’s house and prayed with her over the problem. The leaders also gave Winnie a heart-language Audio Bible to provide comfort and strength. She and her family began using the Proclaimer every day.

God's Word in her mother tongue reassured her.

As she listened to God’s Word over the following year, Winnie’s faith grew tremendously and she became much bolder. Whenever the banging would begin, she just yelled and turned up the volume on the Proclaimer. It wasn’t long before the attacks stopped completely.

Winnie shared that having God’s Word in her mother tongue reassured her and reminded her to cast all her fears on Jesus. As that practice became a habit, she came to realize that the Lord inside of her is – and always will be – greater than the one who is in the world. As Winnie continues to listen, her life is changing and she is becoming a living light among the families of her village.

Winnie (in the center, holding the Proclaimer) is a participant in a women’s ministry of weekly listening groups – started by one of our partners – that grew from only 2 women to over 2,000 in the course of 7 years!

From Fear to Freedom

From Fear to Freedom

​"Don't let them in! They bring confusion! They'll steal your children – don't let them into your houses!" ​Chalchiuitl looked up for a minute as the message broadcast through the pueblo – then went back to braiding grass. She made 20¢ for every eight feet she braided. At that rate, she needed to stay focused and keep working. But she would listen to the religious leader – she wouldn't talk to the strangers. Within a week, the strangers left. Over the next couple of years, she saw her neighbors who had talked with them listening to a black box. At first she . . .

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“Deep, awesome words!”

“Deep, awesome words!”

"I feel so lost; I'm desperate to know what I need to do with my life. I'm eager to know more about Christianity and I'd love to acquire a Bible. I'm looking for inner peace, but I feel overwhelmed with confusion. My family and community are [of another faith]. They won't answer my questions. How do I get the Bible where bookstores won't even carry it?" This heartbreaking cry for help came to us through . . .

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No More Fear

No More Fear

A widow named Winnie had many problems with the people who lived across the river. They would trespass on her land, kill her cattle, and bang on her door and roof at night. The ongoing attacks . . .

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