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Thank you for faithfully praying for the health, safety, and protection of our ministry’s leadership, employees, and their families, as well as hundreds of partners in the field worldwide, during this pandemic.
Praise God for keeping us all COVID-free and for allowing us to continue working in two shifts per the New Mexico governor’s orders.
In dark, uncertain, and chaotic times like these, we thank God that He has given us His Word that lights up our lives and leads us on the right path (Psalm 119:105). So, despite the encroaching stress and doubt taking up our headspace more than ever before, we need to make room for hearing God’s Word. Its guiding light keeps our paths well-lit as we follow Christ each day. Here are 3 helpful ideas for meditating on God’s Word:
Have you ever searched for a high-quality Bible film that you could use in Sunday School, church, or small group study? Have you ever imagined what it would be like to travel the Judean countryside during the time of Christ—to see Jesus’ ministry as it happened?
Praise God! To date, no staff or immediate family members have been hit with COVID-19.
Pray for the three candidates who have been offered a position and look forward to starting once we are able to come back to the office.
Pray that the social media initiatives will reach the right audience. We are reaching out to people, in several languages, through social media. People have asked for prayers as they need hope about their future at this time. Please pray that our apps and Gospel Films will be able to meet people’s need for peace and comfort.
That which would become Gospel Films had its start in a vision: that someday, every people group could encounter Jesus through beautiful—and accurate—visual Bibles. Hannah Leader, LUMO films producer, shares how the LUMO Project came to be. Praise God for His plan!
Thank you for faithfully praying for the health, safety, and protection of our ministry’s leadership, employees and their families, and hundreds of partners in the field worldwide.
Praise God for providing the qualified people at the right time. We hired 34 new employees in 2019. We had 12 employees change positions within the ministry last year. Please continue to pray for all of the new and transitional employees as they learn their responsibilities and gain knowledge of the ministry. We currently have 3 open positions. Please pray that the Lord provides the right people to join us in these roles.
Emily trudged down a hallway packed with women. Passing two mothers with young children, she wondered if her own children would have been better off if they’d been born on the inside. At least they’d have a roof over their heads. Glancing out a window, she saw that the heavy summer rains were about to roll in. It wouldn’t be long before the water was seeping into her building through the dozens of holes in the aging walls.
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