“It spoke directly to my heart”

“It spoke directly to my heart”

A seemingly shy group of women waiting outside their church for a prayer meeting became very animated when asked about the impact of Audio Bible listening in their lives. One of the young women shared:

“Everyone here speaks Cakchiquel. Before, when the Scriptures were read in Spanish, there were many words we did not understand. When the Audio Bible came, it was like a miracle. The meaning was clear and we understood everything. It was also like a video, because we could see the things in our minds.

When we listened, there were places we had to stop the recording and talk about what Jesus said. One example is in Matthew, when He talked about adultery. Adultery was a big problem in our village and accepted as proper. But when Jesus said it was wrong, it had to be discussed. We are no longer doing this.

There are many non-Christians that come near the church building to listen since it is played loudly. Some of these are coming to Christ.”

"Since He is a God of power, I felt that I could be a person of power."

Another woman said:

“I don’t speak Spanish. Because our worship services were in Spanish, I never understood anything in church. I thought Jesus couldn’t understand my language, Cakchiquel, since we did not pray or sing in Cakchiquel.

After the Audio Bible came and I heard Scripture in Cakchiquel, I understood it perfectly and learned how to live. Now, we pray and sing in our own language and this gives me great joy.

The men who read the Bible in Spanish for worship had to look up the words in a dictionary to understand and explain what they read. Now, there is no need for a dictionary. The pastor is now preaching in Cakchiquel. There have been great changes in my husband because of the Audio Bible. He has accepted Christ.”

An older woman added:

​“When I heard the Cakchiquel New Testament, it spoke directly to my heart. I was filled with joy and felt that this Jesus was my Lord. I was amazed by the miracles Jesus performed. I rejoiced with the blind man when he was healed and could feel his joy. Jesus’ use of power motivated me. Since He is a God of power, I felt that I could be a person of power.

Before hearing the New Testament in Cakchiquel, I had no hope or faith; I simply accepted whatever happened to me. Now I have hope and faith, and I pray with power and the Lord is answering. Faith came to me as I listened to the Word of God. I love to hear the Word of God in Cakchiquel and to sing to the Lord in Cakchiquel.”

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She Could Be Healed, Too!

At 78, Maurah has seen more than her share of hardship. Widowed nearly 30 years ago, and crippled for some time, none of her 8 children live near enough to care for her. Even in her extreme poverty, Maurah opened her heart and . . .

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“Deep, awesome words!”

“Deep, awesome words!”

"I feel so lost; I'm desperate to know what I need to do with my life. I'm eager to know more about Christianity and I'd love to acquire a Bible. I'm looking for inner peace, but I feel overwhelmed with confusion. My family and community are [of another faith]. They won't answer my questions. How do I get the Bible where bookstores won't even carry it?" This heartbreaking cry for help came to us through . . .

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“I have been called, too”

“I have been called, too”

“M” is an Indonesian man whose faithfulness over many years was key to the New Testament translation in his language. When the lead translator expressed his gratitude, M became very emotional and began to sob. Finally, he said, “This is why I have stuck with this for so long. God called me to be a part of this translation.” He then shared a dream he had . . .

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