She Could Be Healed, Too!

She Could Be Healed, Too!

At 78, Maurah has seen more than her share of hardship. Widowed nearly 30 years ago, and crippled for some time, none of her 8 children live near enough to care for her. Even in her extreme poverty, Maurah opened her heart and adopted a little orphan girl to be her daughter.

​Though they live in a region of Madagascar where most people practice traditional religion, Maurah trusts in the Lord God. She never misses an Audio Bible listening session at the local church.

​During one listening session, the group heard from Luke 17, which talks about the healing of the lepers. After hearing these words of hope, Maurah was inspired to pray in her heart: Lord, I have been in pain for many years. I ask today that You heal me and I will be healed.

"I am free! I am saved! I am healed!"

A couple weeks later, she became very sick. The pain lasted 4 days and she thought it would never go away. Early the following morning, she began vomiting and was sweating so much that she had to change her clothes. But then a truly wonderful thing happened – her disease went away! Maurah was able to stand and walk by herself; she jumped and shouted, I am free! I am saved! I am healed! with thanks to the Lord for hearing her prayer.

​All of her neighbors were surprised and astonished because this woman, who was crippled for so long, can now dance and jump by herself. Because the Lord is the same yesterday, today, and forever, Maurah knew that the lepers’ healing meant that she could be healed, too!

Waikia and the Key

Waikia and the Key

​A leader of her Sanumá village in the Amazon basin, Waikia was part of a regional listening group training and received a Proclaimer to take back to her community. Though she had never seen or heard a Proclaimer before the training, she gathered her husband, children, nieces, and nephews – 18 people altogether – to listen as soon as she arrived home. When she began to turn the handle . . .

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Lost Son Found

Lost Son Found

"I am Raju and I live in Nepal with my wife and four children. I accepted Christ years ago – but, because of my egoism, I forgot Jesus. Later, my wife became very sick and she could not speak, walk, or talk for a long time. We spent a lot of money and tried a lot of things for her healing. After another year, I began to suffer from blood-pressure issues and a severe stomach problem. I could not move and . . ."

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His Healing Stripes

His Healing Stripes

"It's like you're saying Jesus is God!" Ahmed scoffed in a loud whisper to the man who was sharing Isaiah 53 with him. ​"Just take these," the man said quickly, pressing a couple of items into Ahmed's hands. Ahmed looked down at the gifts as the man walked away. He didn't really want them, but calling out or running after the man would draw unwanted attention. Living in safety required . . .

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