Waikia and the Key

A leader of her Sanumá village in the Amazon basin, Waikia was part of a regional listening group training and received a Proclaimer to take back to her community. Though she had never seen or heard a Proclaimer before the training, she gathered her husband, children, nieces, and nephews – 18 people altogether – to listen as soon as she arrived home.
When she began to turn the handle on the dynamo to charge the Proclaimer, her husband remembered a dream that he had experienced. In the dream, a man appeared and gave him a strange key that looked like a handle. The man then said to him, “Take this key and, when you have turned it, many people will find Jesus through you.”
"Now I have this key in my hands."
The moment Waikia turned the handle, her husband understood the dream, took the Proclaimer, and shared, “Now I have this key in my hands. The key that is now in my hands is a Proclaimer – and now I know that it’s through the Word of God in audio that many people will find Jesus.”
From that day forward, the entire village came regularly to hear about Jesus through the Proclaimer. Now they are sharing it with other Sanumá villages and many more people are coming to know Jesus Christ as Lord.