Proclaimer-flavored Ice Cream

Proclaimer-flavored Ice Cream

“A friend of mine works at an ice cream shop that is visited by many children, youth, adults, and seniors. She asked me to lend her the Proclaimer to play there.

She told me that when she turned it on her colleague was very angry because he wanted to listen to secular music on the radio that is in the store. But when he tried to turn the radio on, he only got interference.

"My husband is part of bringing God's Word in another language."

This impacted his life because the radio always worked before; but the day they played the Proclaimer, the radio did not work. All the people who come to the store like to hear the Word of God because it is very striking and there is also a different atmosphere there.

My friend’s husband does not speak Garifuna, yet he carries the Proclaimer in Garifuna around to be heard by other people. She says, ‘My husband is part of bringing God’s Word in another language.’”

Loving the Discarded

Loving the Discarded

"What would happen if you took a group of homeless, drug-addicted street kids and believed in them? Four years ago I did just that. I adopted a community of 17 kids living on the streets of Mexico City; all were addicted to inhalants. Unfortunately, 3 of the original 17 have died. But for the rest, the future is promising. I'm not declaring total victory, because it’s common for . . ."

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“The Word of God is alive”

“The Word of God is alive”

​As a popular poet, songwriter, and local radio personality, Alina earned the respect of her people long ago. Though she had never read the Bible and was not a Christian, she was very enthusiastic about being chosen to participate as one of the narrators for the Audio New Testament in her language. Soon after the recording process began . . .

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Overcoming Spiritual Darkness

Overcoming Spiritual Darkness

"The Proclaimers were an incredible blessing to people in the mountain villages of Haiti! Pastor David had selected a few men from his ministry to receive them. It was such a blessing to see the awe and joy on their faces as they heard the Word in their own language, Haitian Creole. My favorite story was about Mathieu, a 16-year-old boy who had been caring for his mother and 4 siblings since . . ."

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