“I Will Give You Rest”

“I Will Give You Rest”

For one Tanzanian woman, life offered little relief. Neema constantly fought with her husband over his alcohol abuse. Often the family could barely afford to buy food, but she always managed to keep a small reserve of corn in the house so they would have something to eat.

​Following a particularly intense fight, she went to a friend’s home and waited for her husband’s anger to subside. When Neema finally returned, her husband had gone – taking the family’s supply of corn with him. Devastated by the loss, she decided that the situation was hopeless and gave up. The last coins she had saved would buy the poison she needed to kill herself.

On her way to the store, Neema passed near the church where people were gathering to attend an Audio Bible listening group. A friend urged her to come, but she refused, insisting that she was in a big hurry. When the friend begged her to come, Neema finally agreed to join them.

Neema opened her hand, revealing the coins she was planning to use for the fatal poison

​The group was listening to Matthew that day. During the question and answer time, the leader repeated the words of Jesus, “Come to me all you who are weak and heavy laden, I will give you rest.” When she heard this for the second time, Neema opened her hand, revealing the coins she was planning to use for the fatal poison. Tearfully, she confessed her plan to the group.

They assured her that Jesus cared and could give her the rest she needed. That afternoon, she accepted Jesus as her Lord and Savior. Then the listening group took a collection and sent Neema home – rejoicing and praising God – with extra money and two bags of corn.

​Along with attending church and the listening program, Neema began praying every morning and evening. The transformation in her life has even touched her husband. His life is changing as well – he even surprised the whole village by going to church!

Overcoming Spiritual Darkness

Overcoming Spiritual Darkness

"The Proclaimers were an incredible blessing to people in the mountain villages of Haiti! Pastor David had selected a few men from his ministry to receive them. It was such a blessing to see the awe and joy on their faces as they heard the Word in their own language, Haitian Creole. My favorite story was about Mathieu, a 16-year-old boy who had been caring for his mother and 4 siblings since . . ."

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Freedom from Hatred

Freedom from Hatred

Lorenzo faced an ongoing crisis that enveloped his life – the brutal murder of his son. As any normal father would, Lorenzo felt an irrepressible anger toward the killer for taking his 20-year-old son, and toward the police for not charging that man with a crime. He also experienced tremendous guilt for failing to protect his son; a feeling that was further aggravated by . . .

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“Those who have not yet heard”

“Those who have not yet heard”

Audio Bibles are blessing many people in one Middle Eastern nation. Through the dedicated work of ministry partners and missionaries, local pastors across the country are being equipped with Proclaimers, Mini Proclaimers, and BibleSticks to reach out to their communities with the hope of Jesus Christ. One pastor and partner who works as an evangelist and church planter in rural villages shared . . .

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