Lost Son Found

Lost Son Found

“I am Raju and I live in Nepal with my wife and four children. I accepted Christ years ago – but, because of my egoism, I forgot Jesus. Later, my wife became very sick and she could not speak, walk, or talk for a long time. We spent a lot of money and tried a lot of things for her healing.

After another year, I began to suffer from blood-pressure issues and a severe stomach problem. I could not move and always slept on the bed. My family did a lot of things for my health. They took me to the hospital and to a black magician many times, but nothing happened. Financially, we became poor from spending money on my treatments.

"We all repented and promised to commit the rest of our lives to Christ."

Some Christians of the village came to me and suggested that I seek Christ for healing. Though I didn’t want to go to church, my family took me there. When we went, they had a listening session after the service where I heard the story of the ‘lost son.’

This story touched my heart a lot. I realized my past sins and also that those sins were causing me and my family to suffer. We all repented and promised to commit the rest of our lives to Christ.

The pastor and other believers prayed for me and I was healed. I would like to thank the Lord a lot for forgiving me and healing me. I would also like to thank those who provided the Audio Bible listening program for opening my eyes and leading me toward Jesus.”

Grace Multiplied

Grace Multiplied

Thet started a 1st generation listening group and trained many people in evangelism, discipleship, and church planting. One of the disciples he trained, Khin, became very bold in sharing Christ. When he was ready . . .

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Strength in Weakness

Strength in Weakness

Voice auditions for the Kannada New Testament recording were taking place and many people – such as bankers, engineers, teachers, and pastors – had been invited. Though the team was happy with their selections for the major roles of Matthew, Mark, Luke, John, and Jesus, they were a bit disappointed to be missing a talented reader for Paul. Soon after, G. entered the room. However, because a rare accident had . . .

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Flipping for the Word

Flipping for the Word

While making their way through the dense and muddy jungle toward a remote village, a partner missionary, Daniel, and his translator met a group of women carrying harvested produce on their heads. They asked the women to help them . . .

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