Flipping for the Word

While making their way through the dense and muddy jungle toward a remote village, a partner missionary, Daniel, and his translator met a group of women carrying harvested produce on their heads. They asked the women to help them meet with the Chief.
At a huge tree with large pigs tied to the base, the Paramount Chief for that village and the surrounding area approached. He sat down on a log and, to be on his level, Daniel sat down also. The translator explained that they came in peace and had brought gifts. Daniel proceeded to show him the items, including a batik-dyed garment that he had a seamstress make just before the trip. While presenting the gifts, Daniel noticed an expression of thankfulness on the Chief’s face that he had seldom seen before.
They then showed the Chief a solar-powered New Testament player (Proclaimer) and he heard the words of the Gospel in his own language of Bislama. He eagerly accepted it for his village – with the provision that it be shown to the young men who were playing soccer nearby. If they would accept it, then he would accept it into the village.
The Chief brought the gifts and led the way to the clearing. When they came into view, one of the men called out “White man!” in his language, saying that the game should stop. As some of the men gathered around, they turned the Proclaimer on. Daniel turned up the volume and held it high. Since it was loud enough to be heard all the way across the field, more men came running.
Soon a small crowd had assembled, attracted by the machine playing God’s Word in their language. After demonstrating how the buttons changed the books and chapters, the men tried it themselves. Daniel shared that he was giving the Proclaimer to their village.
Two of the men then started a tug-of-war with the machine.
Two of the men then started a tug-of-war with the machine. Apparently, one of them was from a different village nearby and he also wanted it. Daniel was gratified to see that these people were so eager to obtain God’s Word that they would actually fight over it.
At the same time, the translator looked searchingly at Daniel. Assuming that there was only one Proclaimer, she did not know what to do. When she was told that another machine was available at the missionary base, she understood and explained that both villages could have one. Still, both men insisted that they should be the one to take the machine in their hands.
Moved by the Spirit’s inspiration, Daniel produced a large coin from his pocket and said that the two villages were represented by the two sides of the coin. Before he tossed it into the air – like a football official – Daniel said that the man from the losing village could come to the missionary base and receive the other Proclaimer.
The man who lost the coin toss was dressed in traditional attire, but Daniel gave him a garment right then so he could follow them back to their base. He proudly danced around the other soccer players wearing his new clothes.
The next morning, after a formal presentation at the Sunday church service, the man shared with Daniel that he had stayed up all night with a group from the first village, listening to their Proclaimer. The translator said numerous times that this had never happened before.
She then shared that this village had previously burned Bibles that were given to them, but now the Paramount Chief and the men eagerly welcomed God’s Word in audio – and even fought for it! This enthusiasm led Daniel to leave yet another Proclaimer with the first village, for their own use as well as for outreaches to 4 other surrounding villages.