Grace Multiplied

Grace Multiplied

Thet started a 1st generation listening group and trained many people in evangelism, discipleship, and church planting. One of the disciples he trained, Khin, became very bold in sharing Christ. When he was ready, Khin started a 2nd generation listening group to help others know more about Jesus and grow in their knowledge of the truth.

A poor Buddhist man, Naing, left his hometown to look for work and settled in the area where Khin was planting a church through Audio Bible listening. When Khin shared the Gospel with him, Naing accepted Christ by the will of God and the power of the Holy Spirit. He was then baptized and became a member of Khin’s 2nd generation group.

God took him out of Egypt and brought him into Canaan.

Naing has truly experienced God’s love, presence, and provision for his personal and family needs. Though he is uneducated, Naing’s heart is on fire for the Lord and he is eager to learn the Word of God and share Christ with others. The Audio Bible has been one of the best ways for him to grow in his knowledge of God’s Word, both within the group and on his own.

Naing testifies that it seems like God took him out of Egypt and brought him into Canaan. As a result, he has decided to serve the Lord as a lifetime laborer. His trust in and commitment to God have already caused him to be used mightily. Now he is even the leader of a 3rd generation listening group, perpetually multiplying the grace he has received. The ministry partner that provided this testimony ended their report with: “To God be the glory forever and ever. Amen!” And we heartily agree!

“How will we live . . . ?”

“How will we live . . . ?”

“I placed the Proclaimers into several villages close to us,” one missionary and Every Church Every Village participant shared with us. “I told the people that I would be back in two weeks to pick up the Audio Bibles and take them . . .

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Proclaimer-flavored Ice Cream

Proclaimer-flavored Ice Cream

"A friend of mine works at an ice cream shop that is visited by many children, youth, adults, and seniors. She asked me to lend her the Proclaimer to play there. She told me that when she turned it on her colleague was very angry because he wanted to listen to secular music on the radio that is in the store. But when he tried to turn the radio on . . ."

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Broken Healer Healed – and Healing Others

Broken Healer Healed – and Healing Others

Sarnai had accepted Jesus Christ as her Savior, but her husband fiercely disapproved. Not only did he threaten to end her life if she continued to worship in the “foreign” religion, but he tore up her Bible. Fear of her husband’s reaction kept Sarnai from going to church, or even meeting with other believers, for several years. As time passed, her husband . . .

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