Breaking Inside

Breaking Inside

A retired schoolteacher who loves the Lord and leads prayer in her local church, Mrs. Long began listening to the Proclaimer with a teacher’s attitude. However, soon after starting the book of Matthew, her Christian mind was engaged and her attention was drawn in another direction.

​God brought conviction through His Word by making it very clear that the way she spoke to others was often wrong. Very direct people can be hurtful; because Mrs. Long immediately said whatever came to mind, those around her were regularly offended by the way she said things.

She tells the story this way: “When listening to a part from the book of Matthew, I felt something inside me being broken. As my daughter was doing the dishes in the kitchen, she could see me in the living room. And, while I felt that something was breaking inside me, tears started to roll down my cheek. My daughter saw that and asked what was wrong; but I could not speak, so she came up to me and closed me in her arms.

​She knew that something I heard from the Proclaimer had touched me, but she didn’t know exactly what. I could not speak . . . only cry. When my daughter asked if everything was all right, I started to cry louder, since I knew that I had to ask her to forgive me for the way I had behaved against her. Also, I knew I had to go see other people to ask them for forgiveness for what I had done against them.

"I felt that Jesus was holding my hand and looking straight into my eyes."

While I listened to the Proclaimer, I felt that Jesus was holding my hand and looking straight into my eyes. He was talking to me in a fatherly way, very tenderly, and I felt his peace. It is very difficult to describe that feeling. But Jesus showed me things I needed to let go of and things I had to forgive people for. It was a very special moment for me. One thing I know is that God spoke to me directly through the Proclaimer.”

Mrs. Long is very thankful for the Proclaimer, which touched her heart in a very tremendous way. Although she had known the Lord for more than 15 years and heard many sermons, it was that afternoon listening to the Proclaimer when she felt a breakthrough in her life. Now she invites all her friends and family members to listen to the Proclaimer with her.

“Through the Proclaimer, I can understand God clearly,” Mrs. Long adds.

Island Inspiration

Island Inspiration

"A few months ago, some foreign and local Christians went out to one of the islands in the Bijagós Archipelago and shared the Gospel (some of the islands have the Good News and others do not). Three people gave their lives to Jesus. The islanders have no permanent . . ."

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"I am Raju and I live in Nepal with my wife and four children. I accepted Christ years ago – but, because of my egoism, I forgot Jesus. Later, my wife became very sick and she could not speak, walk, or talk for a long time. We spent a lot of money and tried a lot of things for her healing. After another year, I began to suffer from blood-pressure issues and a severe stomach problem. I could not move and . . ."

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Breaking Inside

Breaking Inside

A retired schoolteacher who loves the Lord and leads prayer in her local church, Mrs. Long began listening to the Proclaimer with a teacher's attitude. However, soon after starting the book of Matthew, her Christian mind was engaged and her attention was . . .

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