Two Faithful Women

Morgan Jackson shares about the tremendous ministry impact of two very special and faithful women that he met while on a recent trip to Cambodia:

“Hi, my name is Morgan Jackson, the director of Faith Comes By Hearing, and I wanted to talk to you about a recent trip that I took to Cambodia with my wife Mary and some Asian donors.

You know, Cambodia’s one of these countries that we all know about because of the Khmer Rouge and the 3 million people that were killed by them, and that died from starvation because of their actions.

So when we arrived, we came into a country that’s extremely poor, still. And you go places where they have little sheets of plastic up, a little light behind so crickets can hit against the plastic, drop in the water. They pick them up in the morning and they eat them, still, because of the poverty.

Cambodia stood out in my mind because of two women.

"Cambodia’s coming to Christ, praise the Lord."

One was a woman on an island – 80,000 people. She and her husband were some of the first Christians 5 or 6 years ago. She was illiterate. She got the first Proclaimer and began to start house churches, and began to win people to Christ. She just simply believed what the Scriptures told her, so when people were sick, she would pray for them. She started casting out demons and there was a revival.

Over the time, the last 5 years, they received 400 different Proclaimers. The island has 80,000 people on it, primarily Buddhist. Now they say 20,000 of those people have come to Christ through the hearing of the Word of God in these house churches, and that 40,000 of the people have heard the Gospel, either through the Proclaimer – or through somebody who’s heard the Proclaimer who’s told them the story.

One woman who was illiterate – now she’s literate because, after hearing Scripture for 5 years, she desired to learn to read and has.

Another little lady we ran into, along the side of a road selling gas and sodas, has a little Mini Proclaimer that she’s listening to alongside the road. And they tell us that over 5,000 people in the last 5 years have come to Christ through her ministry of playing that little Proclaimer, talking to people after they’ve listened to it, and sharing her faith.

Two women – one, 20% of an island, the other, 5,000 people – as they faithfully go about their day.

Cambodia’s coming to Christ, praise the Lord.”

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Sarnai had accepted Jesus Christ as her Savior, but her husband fiercely disapproved. Not only did he threaten to end her life if she continued to worship in the “foreign” religion, but he tore up her Bible. Fear of her husband’s reaction kept Sarnai from going to church, or even meeting with other believers, for several years. As time passed, her husband . . .

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Strength in Weakness

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Voice auditions for the Kannada New Testament recording were taking place and many people – such as bankers, engineers, teachers, and pastors – had been invited. Though the team was happy with their selections for the major roles of Matthew, Mark, Luke, John, and Jesus, they were a bit disappointed to be missing a talented reader for Paul. Soon after, G. entered the room. However, because a rare accident had . . .

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