Neva says “Never . . .”

Neva says “Never . . .”

No stranger to problems, trials, and testing, Neva has discovered that attitude makes all the difference.

​The life of the Apostle Paul, in particular, has provided her with inspiration. As the group listened to the Audio Bible on the Proclaimer, they discussed all that Paul endured just to spread the Good News. Because he was never hindered in his task of sharing the message with the people – no matter the circumstances – Neva has been able to face situations in her daily life with newfound courage.

Motivated by the message of the Bible, Neva now stands strong amidst her difficulties. Painful circumstances can linger, but she has learned the secret of being grounded and standing firm on the promises and the strength that the Word of God gives.

"Never give up, because God will never give up on you."

​She tells herself: Never give up, because God will never give up on you (Romans 8:38-39). Neva now knows that she can go to Jesus in prayer for help to overcome her problems and that God speaks to her through His Word. She shares: “That is why it is important to me to have a weekly dose of God’s instructions in the Bible listening group and my daily bread to fill my spiritual needs every day by reading the Word of God.”

“We believe in His Word”

“We believe in His Word”

“Since we received the Proclaimer and started listening to God's Word, a lot of things in our lives have changed. Now we feel peace and security. We feel protected and we know that God takes care of us and encourages us every day. Our oldest son got very sick; he had a high fever and needed to be hospitalized. In fact, he was so sick that we all thought he might die. But we . . ."

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God Had Other Plans

God Had Other Plans

"I traveled to Mozambique, where I am involved with a ministry in building an orphanage. The Proclaimer I brought was to be left there (that was my plan). There is a church on the property and they have several weekly Bible studies with people from the surrounding villages, so it made sense to leave the Proclaimer with them. But that was not what the Lord wanted. A ministry team was sent to . . ."

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“I Will Give You Rest”

“I Will Give You Rest”

For one Tanzanian woman, life offered little relief. Neema constantly fought with her husband over his alcohol abuse. Often the family could barely afford to buy food, but she always managed to keep a small reserve of corn in the house so they would have something to eat. ​Following a particularly intense fight, she went to a friend’s home and waited for her husband's anger to subside. When Neema finally returned, her husband had . . .

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