Neva says “Never . . .”

Neva says “Never . . .”

No stranger to problems, trials, and testing, Neva has discovered that attitude makes all the difference.

​The life of the Apostle Paul, in particular, has provided her with inspiration. As the group listened to the Audio Bible on the Proclaimer, they discussed all that Paul endured just to spread the Good News. Because he was never hindered in his task of sharing the message with the people – no matter the circumstances – Neva has been able to face situations in her daily life with newfound courage.

Motivated by the message of the Bible, Neva now stands strong amidst her difficulties. Painful circumstances can linger, but she has learned the secret of being grounded and standing firm on the promises and the strength that the Word of God gives.

"Never give up, because God will never give up on you."

​She tells herself: Never give up, because God will never give up on you (Romans 8:38-39). Neva now knows that she can go to Jesus in prayer for help to overcome her problems and that God speaks to her through His Word. She shares: “That is why it is important to me to have a weekly dose of God’s instructions in the Bible listening group and my daily bread to fill my spiritual needs every day by reading the Word of God.”

Never Abandoned

Never Abandoned

“I am a single mother with a daughter and two sons. Three years ago, I received Jesus, thinking that my man would change and that we could be together with the children. In spite of everything, he decided to abandon us, leaving me with three children to raise alone. I had a lot of resentment and hatred in my heart and never wanted to attend church again. I made the decision to ‘remake’ my life in . . ."

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“It spoke directly to my heart”

“It spoke directly to my heart”

A seemingly shy group of women waiting outside their church for a prayer meeting became very animated when asked about the impact of Audio Bible listening in their lives. One of the young women shared: “Everyone here speaks Cakchiquel. Before, when the Scriptures were read in Spanish, there were many words we did not understand. When the Audio Bible came, it was like a miracle. The meaning was clear and we understood everything. It was also like a video, because . . ."

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“There is no one like Him”

“There is no one like Him”

A boy full of enthusiasm and faith in God, 8-year-old Enrique lives on a small ranch in Costa Rica with his large, multi-generational family. Through listening to the New Testament on a Bribri Proclaimer during services and prayer times, he has learned to love God and draw close to Him. By paying attention to his parents, he has understood that God died for us and that He is powerful. “There is no one like Him,” as he expresses it with his child's heart . . .

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