A Transformed Troublemaker

“I was an evil-doer, a gangster, a thief. There is no bandit act that I did not try – unless it did not cross my mind. I was arrested several times and put into prison, where I spent more than 15 years.
It was in prison that I had contact with the Word of God. One pastor used to visit and share the Bible with us. At first, I listened to him as a way to kill time, but then I became interested in the words he was sharing with us.
When I got out of prison and came back to my hometown, I wanted to continue listening to the words the pastor had shared with us in prison. However, I was not sure if the pastor there would welcome me; before I was arrested, at any place I went to, people ran away from me.
"I had the conviction that Jesus’ invitation was also meant for me."
But the Pastor welcomed me and I joined the Proclaimer listening group. One day we listened to the passage where Jesus invited the tax-collector to follow Him. Jesus knew that he was a sinful man – a ‘thief’ – and yet He invited him. I had the conviction that Jesus’ invitation was also meant for me and I responded to Him as the tax-collector did.
From that time on my life has changed and, because I had been the greatest troublemaker, the area is now in peace. The transformation of my life is a wonder across the whole region.”