Life-Giving Lessons

Life-Giving Lessons

Teachers in Argentina are embracing the use of Proclaimers in the classroom to bring spiritual growth and understanding to their pupils through Audio Bible listening. One of the teachers wrote:

“I’m using the Proclaimer as a working tool for my students – school children – to listen to the stories [of the Bible]. After this, the children participate and think about what they understood.

They are very enthusiastic about this new way of storytelling and hearing the Word. It calls much attention to the music, voices, and sounds that make the stories even more real. No doubt the Lord will work in the lives of children through the Proclaimer. God bless you.”

"I want to say that this tool is a blessing."

Another teacher shared:

“I use this tool with students daily, during morning devotions.

We started listening to the stories of Matthew, making application to our lives, then we continued with Mark. We are currently listening to the Gospel of Luke – analyzing every miracle of Jesus as a method to reach the lives of children and studying their examples to apply to us, while also emphasizing the values that we hold in our lives.

This month we added Bible reading. Each student finds the chapter we will listen to and follows along individually. We have observed that it is very interesting to use the Proclaimer, recalling the chapter we heard previously while waiting.

I want to say that this tool is a blessing because the kids pay attention to everything they hear: sounds, voices, and other effects on the Proclaimer. On occasion we stop the story to clarify unfamiliar terms or doubts arising from the students.

I am grateful to have this great tool, which has been so useful to me. May God continue to work in this task. Blessings.”

Praise God for what He’s doing in the lives of Argentinian students!

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