“Before God I am free”

A prison inmate in Paraguay shares about the great impact of hearing God’s Word in his heart language:
“I know that before men I am incarcerated for a crime I committed, but I know that before God I am free and ready to serve and praise Him.
I can’t put a price on everything this is doing in my life. We are listening to the material during our early morning devotions. There’s three men in our cell and, after we wake up, we are ready with our Bibles so we can follow the readings that are broadcast throughout the penitentiary. There are days when we don’t even go to eat breakfast because we don’t want to miss the presentation over the loudspeaker.
"I can't put a price on everything this is doing in my life."
Now we are listening to it in Guarani – our native language since childhood – and we understand it better. It’s more clear for me; I can understand it and it really touches me in a more personal way. I really like it when the Word commands me or lifts my spirits up.
I’d like to send my gratitude to the brothers and sisters that God is using to send us these materials. What they are doing is following God’s command to spread His Word to all nations and I guarantee that this will have a great reward from Him. We will be praying for this ministry of sowing the Good Seed in the hearts of man.”