Full-Spectrum Healing

One pastor in Guatemala shared about his wife’s serious illness. In desperation, they’d spent all their money on doctors and couldn’t get her healed. “But when we got the Cakchiquel Audio Bible we put it in the church and began to listen. When my wife heard Jesus Christ speak Cakchiquel and heard about the paralytic that was healed she said, ‘I can be healed also.’ And she was healed.”
Pouring out her heart, his wife added: “You know, I was the pastor’s wife. People would ask me why I was a Christian and I said that I had no idea. He preached in Spanish; I never knew what he was saying. I always sat out in the church, but since the Cakchiquel Audio Bible has come I never miss a listening session because it is like pure water entering my soul. I can’t not receive it. But when I heard the story of the paralytic, I said to myself, ‘If God can heal a paralytic, he can heal me.’ So I came forward, and for the first time in our church we prayed in Cakchiquel. Jesus Christ heard us and I was healed.”
Her physical healing is only part of the story
Her physical healing is only part of the story; mental, emotional, and spiritual healing have also taken place in her life. She has internalized so much of the New Testament that she can accurately quote Scripture. Their sons, who were on the verge of becoming delinquents, challenged her knowledge until they found that she was always correct. Now, to her eternal joy, they have been made whole through Scripture listening. When others ask why she is so happy, she says, “Come with me to the listening session. We are hearing God’s Word in our own language.”