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ECEV: A Lasting Legacy

ECEV: A Lasting Legacy

Equipping church members and ministry teams with a free Proclaimer for mission trips, the Every Church Every Village program helps turn short-term personal investment into long-term spiritual impact.

Imagine traveling overseas with an amazing group of people dedicated to spreading the Gospel. Maybe your activities would include construction, Vacation Bible School, JESUS film showings, public drama presentations, leading worship, door-to-door evangelism – whatever it took to help area missionaries and pastors bless their community with Christ’s love.

Say that 300 people expressed an interest in knowing more about Jesus and 75 made a decision to follow Him – how might you rejoice in such a mighty move of God? But what happens once you leave?

The missionaries and pastors do their very best to follow up with every person, invite them to church services, and answer their questions, but time and energy are limited resources. The people have the same lives to lead and livings to earn as they did before you came and learning a new way of life takes more effort than many are willing to make without significant help.

The thing is, if someone on your team had taken advantage of the Every Church Every Village program before the trip, the needed help would stay behind.

A solar-powered Proclaimer, preloaded with an Audio New Testament in the local heart-language, provides thousands of hours of Bible listening, discussion, and discipleship. Used in church services and shared through listening groups, the people become saturated with God’s pure Word and learn what it is to follow Jesus with the Holy Spirit’s guidance. God’s Word brings hope as lives change, families heal, churches grow, and communities flourish.

Before you go on another mission trip, check our Bible Recordings list or call (800) 545-6552 one month beforehand to see if we have the language(s) you need. If so, one Proclaimer will be provided at no charge, however we do ask that you pay $10 to cover the shipping cost for this unit. Through this program we ship within the U.S. only. Additional units may be received for a donation of $75 per Proclaimer. Don’t miss this opportunity to leave a lasting legacy of God’s Word with those who will be eternally grateful.

Since 2008, thanks to our generous donors, Faith Comes By Hearing has provided almost 60,000 Proclaimers through this outreach that is bearing fruit all over the world!

Image: A Tok Pisin Audio Bible listening group in Papua New Guinea made possible by ECEV donors & participants.

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