The Path of Truth

The Path of Truth

“My life was not disciplined. My friends and I had no purpose to our lives; we gambled all the time. Gambling even caused me to lose my farmland. There were times I beat my wife for no reason; our life together was not happy.

​The pastor from the village church would often visit my house and pray for me, but I didn’t listen to him. One day when I was passing by a house, I suddenly heard someone reading. I was astonished because I knew that nobody in that house could read or write.

I was very curious, so I entered the house and saw a group of 12 to 15 people listening to something (I found out later it was the Word of God on a Proclaimer). I didn’t know why, but I joined with them and began to listen.

Something happened . . . I joined the listening group every Tuesday to listen to the Word. I realized that I was not leading a happy life at all. I don’t know how, but gradually my life started to change.

"The Word of God completely changed my life."

My friends were not happy about this change, but I was happy. I learned many lessons from the Bible with the pastor’s help; we always pray together.

I gave up all of my bad habits and chose the path of Truth. The Word of God completely changed my life. My past was not so good, but now I lead a happy life.

​My neighbors are even surprised by seeing the change in me. I simply tell them that Jesus changed my life. I was in death, but now I am in Life. Prayer and Bible reading are now a part of our family life. I always sit with my wife and study the Bible – and pray to my Lord Jesus.”

Broken Healer Healed – and Healing Others

Broken Healer Healed – and Healing Others

Sarnai had accepted Jesus Christ as her Savior, but her husband fiercely disapproved. Not only did he threaten to end her life if she continued to worship in the “foreign” religion, but he tore up her Bible. Fear of her husband’s reaction kept Sarnai from going to church, or even meeting with other believers, for several years. As time passed, her husband . . .

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From Fear to Freedom

From Fear to Freedom

​"Don't let them in! They bring confusion! They'll steal your children – don't let them into your houses!" ​Chalchiuitl looked up for a minute as the message broadcast through the pueblo – then went back to braiding grass. She made 20¢ for every eight feet she braided. At that rate, she needed to stay focused and keep working. But she would listen to the religious leader – she wouldn't talk to the strangers. Within a week, the strangers left. Over the next couple of years, she saw her neighbors who had talked with them listening to a black box. At first she . . .

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Spiritual Sight

Spiritual Sight

​Though Jose was born with only peripheral vision, he’s a brilliant young man who is eager to learn new things and experience new adventures. His vision issues didn’t keep him from finishing school through the 9th grade and becoming the best reader and writer in his mother tongue of Buglere. After that, Jose wanted to continue his education, but his peripheral eyesight was getting worse. Somehow, he learned about . . .

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